Mortgage Products

  • Conventional Loans

    Conventional Loans

    Credit Scores to 620
    Down payments starting at 1%

  • Government Loans

    Government Loans

    FHA, VA and USDA
    Credit Scores to 580
    Down payments starting at 0%

  • Specialty Loans

    Specialty Loans

    Jumbo, Bank Statement, DSCR and more
    Credit Scores down to 620
    Down payments starting at 10%

Low rates? Prove it.

15 Years in the Retail Mortgage Lending world has taught me that there is a very simple reason for HIGH interest rates. Bloat. Plain and simple the Retail Mortgage Lenders out there are loaded up with heavy salaries for executives, the high overhead expenses of rent for HUGE offices that no one goes to any more, health insurance costs, employee benefits… the list goes on and on.

Someone has to pay for that? And, until now, that someone has been YOU.

After 15 years of being a part of the problem, I realized it was time for a solution. That solution is simple. Cut out all that corporate bloat. Close a handful of mortgage loans each month to keep our expenses lean. No executive salaries here. Just you, me, and some ridiculously low interest rates.

Sound fun? Cool, I think so too.